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FFDShow2014 64位全能解碼編碼器

2014.09.29 多語安裝版 FFDShow2014 64位全能解碼編碼器 網友評分:8



軟件標簽: FFDShow ffdshow解碼器

這只是編解碼器,不能直接播放文件,但播放器可以使用它來工作。這個 是的支持所有格式的編碼和解碼,超好的東東。
FFDShow可以稱得上是全能的解碼、編碼器.最初FFDShow只是mpeg視頻解碼器,不過現(xiàn)在他能做到的遠不止于此.它能夠解碼的視頻格式已經遠遠超出了mepg4的范圍,包括indeo video,WMV,mpeg2等等.同時,它也提供了豐富的加工處理選項,可以銳化畫面,調節(jié)畫面的亮度等等.不止是視頻,FFDShow現(xiàn)在同樣可以解碼音頻,AC3、MP3等音頻格式都可支持.并且可以外掛winamp的DSP插件,來改善聽覺效果.可以說現(xiàn)在的FFDShow已經是windows 平臺多媒體播放的非常出色的.

FFDShow可以稱得上是全能的解碼、編碼器。最初FFDShow只是mpeg視頻解碼器,不過現(xiàn)在他能做到的遠不止于此。它能夠解碼的視頻格式已經遠遠超出了mepg4的范圍,包括indeo video,WMV,mpeg2等等。本版是ffdshow 64位



并且可以外掛Winamp的DSP插件,來改善聽覺效果??梢哉f現(xiàn)在的FFDShow已經是windows 平臺多媒體播放的非常出色的工具了。

Various H.264 and MPEG-2 seeking issues fixed
Several memory leak fixes
Subtitle fixes:
Don't show closed caption if "Subtitles" is not checked
Non-DVD subtitles: check if "Subtitles" is checked before showing subtitles
Setting "Maintain outside text inside screen" was not always applied correctly
Subtitle file could not be disabled during DVD playback
Duration of SSA move tags was randomly applied
Various fixes to alignment, line spacing, movement and positioning of ASS, SSA and SRT subtitles
Several crash fixes
Fixes in the Audio mixer and LFE crossover filter:
Center and LFE were too loud when downmixing 5.1 -> 2ch
If the original sound had LFE channel, it was overwritten
If the center channel existed, left and right channels were ignored
Several MLP/TrueHD/LPCM decoding fixes
Playing a CSS-protected DVD using MPC or MPC-HC caused a crash in certain scenarios
Fixed DVD menu positioning and freeze issue
Fixed several crashes in WMP11 and Media Center
ffdshow.ax failed to register when a registry key was missing
Removed black lines in Perspective Correction filter
ffdshow would crash when using the grab filter and the Resize filter with aspect ratio correction
Many fixes across multiple ffdshow components including OSD, deinterlacing, remote API, DVD and MPEG-2 playback



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